Monday, January 20, 2014

Searching for Answers

One of the most touching stories from this last week was from Andrew. Andrew quickly signed up for Bible studies two nights before our first study. As we sat down in Starbucks he shared that the he wanted to get to know God for himself, but after the study was over, he confessed the reason that was deep in his heart. 

An atheist friend of his asked him some tough questions about why God allows bad things to happen to people. His faith was challenged, but Andrew did not have any answers back then and then two years later his friend died and that is when he realized that he needed to find answers for himself. He told us that the reason he was studying with us is because he needs the answers for more than just himself, but for others as well.

The bible really does have answers to tough questions like the questions that Andrew's friend asked him. I am so excited to see that people like Andrew are in the world and are really searching at the moment when we are seeking to give answers. My prayer is only that He will help me now by His Spirit to effectively communicate those answers and share that amazing hope that we have in Jesus and His Word.

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